Get Rid Of Sunburn Pain - 3 Top Tips

Lying in the sun is fun. Getting burned by the sun is not fun. But every year millions of people do get severe sunburn. So, how do you get rid of sunburn pain and agony? The best advice is, of course, to use sunscreen creams BEFORE exposing your skin to the sun. But when it's too late, there's still a few things you can do. Here's my 3 top tips to help you get rid of sunburn misery...

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1. The biggest mistake you can make is to apply any kind of soothing cream before you first cool down the affected area. This will simply trap in the heat. The burning will continue, and you will suffer even more. Cool down the skin with ice or a cold wetted towel first, or lie in a very cold bath, or stand in a cold shower for at least five minutes.

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2. White vinegar in a solution of two parts cold water to one part vinegar can work wonders. Soak a cloth in the solution and press it gently onto the burned area. You should never rub it in as this will make matters worse. Just dab in on gently, then leave the skin to dry. Aloe vera can be gently applied to the skin as a follow-up. Do this twice a day until you heal.

3. While aloe vera gel works well to relieve sunburn, some lotions contain alcohol. This will dry out the skin and tend to retain the heat, so any alcohol-based lotions or creams are best avoided.

The summer sun can be much stronger than you may think. If you plan to be exposed to strong sunshine, always wear a suncream of appropriate strength. Remember, sunburn can cause cancer. You can always get rid of sunburn pain, but that may just be the short-term effect. Be careful!

Get Rid Of Sunburn Pain - 3 Top Tips
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